When we go to the opening where the ocean met the lake, we saw freshwater pouring out of Lake Ellesmere (Te Waihora). It looked green and full of silt. Lake Ellesmere is one of the most polluted lakes in New Zealand (see https://www.selwyn.govt.nz/facilities-and-parks/facilities/lake-ellesmere) and it used to be a big fishing area, particularly for flounder and eels caught by local Maori. However, wastewater runoff from farms (loaded with nitrates) has polluted the lake and there is an effort to improve the lakes water quality by changing farming practices upstream. See also http://www.wet.org.nz/ We had a close look at where all the nutrients go from the urban and rural landscape. It even relates to back home where plenty of Floridians dump fertilizers on their lawns, and most of the fertilizers end of up our ground water and waterways. One can see our clean/clear springs changing right before our eyes! |
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