Susanne and June sing The Chattanooga Choo Choo before a sold out crowd. |
Today marked the 100th anniversary of when New Zealand entered
World War I. So my friend June (originally from England but now residing in New Zealand for the last seven years) is such a kind-hearted soul and wanted to do something for the people of Christchurch to commemorate this historical day, but have it also be about being together to honor our loved ones and recognizing the comradery and love that still occurred in these hard times. She set about to put on a show, arranged for a facility to stage it and groups to help perform in it and even slides, banners, and costumes to remember and honor the historical significance of the occasion. She put together an hour worth of songs from the WWI and WWII era and told about their significance as she and other guests performed them as well as included a half hour sing along (with four page sing along sheets to follow) for the 300 something attendees. Most were from area retirement villages or of retirement age and everyone had a good time as they raised the roof with some songs that even I remember my Grandparents singing as I was growing up. June asked me to help her take the tickets for the event as two other friends were helping to park cars, and I was happy to help as I knew it meant that I would be able to hear her and another friend, Susanne, sing together.
Pies! |
Hot Chocolate! |
I was busy with my ticket-taking task as our students got to savor their last Hillyer's pies for lunch today, but got to catch up with them shortly after they did this and hung out in the Lincoln University Cafeteria where they had a chance to get a copy of our slideshow from our five-week adventure and chill for a bit before we headed off to the airport.
JC Penney pose among the natives at the Prebbleton Quarry. |
Heading in to the airport to weigh our bags. |
Burger King in New Zealand. |
A little last shopping in Kiwi land. |
Of course we stopped along the way to check out a few more native plants and take in some sunshine but our short hike was thwarted by a lake showing up in the middle of it from June rains. So we tossed some small rocks and larger rocks, gave the swings a swing, and, or course, took a group photo before heading on to the airport to hang out a little more. The Squad was hungry when we got there and I laughed that most ordered Burger King from all of the variety of food court options. Even Mark and the kids could not resist a few fries. And, of course, we needed ANOTHER group photo!
The Squad in action just before going through security. |
We are all tired, sad to be leaving, and excited about our next travels (Tory will meet up with her family here for another week or so, and Katherine and Sam will be traveling on to Australia), and being home with loved ones. It has been a really fun time and we can't believe it is already time to go?! Tonight, our driveway outside the flat looks empty without the Gatorwaka (Piwakawaka looks lonely without her buddy), and Lincoln Campus seems a little too quiet with the thought of our students not being just across the cricket and rugby fields. Love and hugs and safe travels, Meryl